How Drone in Events help launch any project

17 September # Sports & Events

When we talk about drone in events we immediately need to talk about Trends and Technologies  in the event industry and how they are changing every year for the better. It’s exciting to see the introduction of new technologies that make the job event management a lot easier, with stunning ideas that make events fly.

With the technological progress of drones, they will become more important and an essential part of the Event Industry. Drones will be deployed throughout the event space, for filming, security management, carrying promotional contents or spectacular drone shows in the sky.

We have taken a deep dive through 2019 to see what’s happened new and what’s changing.


4 Essential Tips for a good use of Drone in Events


 Work with Professional & Legal Drones


The drone operator you decide to contract for your event in Spain should be authorized by AESA (Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea). For any shooting or activity that involves a drone (interior or exterior) you must have an authorized company and their pilots must be licensed. Spanish laws are clear and restrictive in this matter. To make sure you are in the legal path you can ask your provider to send the documents that prove so.




You must analyze the location, site or venue with your drone team. In Spain not all locations are legal drone flying zones. When talking about exterior events we must check with the professionals. They will analyze the pros and cons of the area, the need of extra permits or if it’s better to raise the flight from another perspective.

For interiors there are a lot of concepts we need to visualize. First of all you need the permit of the venue and they will probably ask for all the legal documents of your drone team. Then the pilot must see the dimensions of the venue and the possible flights and movements you will be able to do.

A perfect tool to see the legal flying zones in Spain is the maps of ENAIRE.


Drones for events




It should be one of your major worries dealing with drones. In Spain the fines are very high and you don’t want to get in trouble. To start, the drone team must have a Liability insurance that covers widely your activity.

Pilot and Production need to dimension a safety zone for drone take off and landing. This area must have a secure distance from the audience, walls and ceiling, or any other machine or object.


Plan & Save


Event Organizers and producers always aim to work a spectacular event with an adjusted budget. When it comes to use a drone in events the organization of the activity is the most important part. Once you know what you want to do with the drone, the agility of the drone pilot to plan the exact shots and movements you will need, will help reduce the budget and save a lot of time. So make sure you pay attention to this part of the project.


How Drones can make your Event Fly


Drone in events are providing thrills and new perspectives to the meetings industry. They create fun sharable content that will live beyond your event. People want to see, view and share anything that drones do. Drones lift the image of a brand or event, making it look cutting-edge, trendy and out in front. That’s why we all want to have a drone in our event.


The Latest use of drone in Events Industry


Drones are one of the hottest event tech trends in Drone Services in Spain and they are being used in a wide variety of creative ways at all kinds of events. From indoor conferences to outdoor festivals, drones are providing entertainment, advertising, security, and much more. Among the popular uses of drone in events we can find deliveries to exhibit booths, attendee registration processing and security surveillance chores, brand flag exhibition, etc.

But what si really rocking the Events Industry?


Drone Marketing


Event sponsors are realizing the brand ascendancy that’s possible with drone rental events (a major step up from event bag logos). The ideas are infinite as far as our imagination may go. You can put your name on the sky show drone and everyone will replay and remember it for a long time, hang a banner from several drones that travel trough a venue, give virtual venue tours to clients or film a show that’s all set up but closed for the night and devoid of people. All this ideas bring customers closer and help propel their projects.

In the near future drone in events will provide rapid delivery service for trade show buyers, personal valets that guide attendees to specific booths, and high-resolution drone photography live-streamed from exhibitor hot spots to non-attendees.

 Some complain drones are noisy, fraught with liabilities, and dangerous in inexperienced hands. Also, some say they frighten people. Yet planners and organizers who are willing to navigate the regulations and other potential obstacles report impressive event returns.


Drone events and marketing


Live Streaming


Live streaming events are very popular. Using drone in events to capture the video for a live stream adds so much more to the experience. Drones move around and make viewers feel like they’re actually part of the event. You could live stream artists when they’re performing, a backstage tour, and more.

Live streaming doesn’t have to be limited to during your event. You can hold live streams using drones to reveal exciting announcements or progress as the event is being set up. Don’t be afraid to get creative because every live stream provides an opportunity for people to get excited about your event.


Drone Show


Drones are great for entertainment, particularly visual shows. Many events have used drones for aerial shows, including night-time shows with lights timed to music. Everyone remembers the Olympic winter games with a sky full of drones or the spectacular Intel logo in the sky of California.

Drone in events can draw a crowd and create a shareable moment. Attendees take videos of the drones performing with their smartphones and share them on Facebook, Instagram, and more. It’s a fast marketing and the images travel around the world in a record time.

While large-scale visual shows featuring drones typically have to be held outdoors where weather can be a factor, you can use drones for entertainment indoors, too. The scope of the show just has to be much smaller.




Drones are the best tool to deliver items to event attendees in a very creative way. They can be used to drop off food, giveaways, and contest prizes to attendees in an exciting way. We know drones cannot fly directly over people’s heads but they can deliver items near people. Just create designated drone delivery areas at your event, and you’re all set.

You can bet that when those drones fly in with a delivery, everyone will be watching, snapping pictures, taking videos, and sharing them on their social media.

It’s inevitable, Drone in Events capture the audience attention fast and loud!! WE can help you launch your Event with our DRONE RENTAL SERVICES !!



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